1. Discount or promotion
  2. Ask a question to your audience
  3. Inspirational quote
  4. Share what you are reading right now
  5. Share a tip or trick
  6. A day in the life post
  7. Testimonial quote
  8. Answer a customer’s question
  9. Highlight a new product or service
  10. Infographic
  11. Long post or story
  12. Share a free resource
  13. Contest or giveaway
  14. Breaking news
  15. Behind the scenes photo
  16. Take a poll
  17. Highlight a biz-friend’s social media page
  18. Quick video training
  19. Fun fact
  20. Industry article
  21. Comic or meme
  22. Share an eye catching photo
  23. Holiday post
  24. Share an interesting statistic
  25. This or that question to get follower’s input
  26. Recommend a helpful tool
  27. Weekly round up of interesting articles
  28. Share a fan photo
  29. An ICYMI post
  30. Product pic
  31. Thank your fans
6 31 ideas for social media posts

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